10 years from now: Digital Tranformation challenge

10 years from now: Digital Tranformation hackaton with IESEG and EURATECH

Monday 05/06

08h00-08h30 : Welcome & coffee & kickoff​
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08h30-9h30 : Familiarize yourself with available documents on Agorize​
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09h30-11h00 : Check in with companies ​- Work on BMC revision​
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11h00-12h00 : Coach check-ins​
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11h00-18h00 : Work on challenge: problem definition, key aspects to consider, range of possible solutions (strengths & weaknesses), problem-solution fit, solutions selection ​
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17h30-18h00 : Coach check-out​ + Submission of updated BMC and problem definition​

Tuesday 06/06

08h00-08h30 : Welcome & coffee & kickoff​
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08h30-15h00 : Work on challenge: implement solution, collect data, analysis, and final recommendations​

Submit final presentation by 14h30​
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11h00-12h00 : Coach check-ins​
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15h00-18h00 : Final presentations​

Peer review phase

The projects of each team submitted during the application stage will be evaluated by all colleagues, according to the following criteria: 
30% Appealing / Desirable? Does the idea shows in an unique way that it addresses with impact and  interest the problem highlighted to the stakeholders directly targeted?
30% Feasible / Execution Is the idea feasible to be implemented based on current development of technology and ethics/legal framework?
20% Marketabiility Does this idea seem to be profitable or are the rewards clearly  surpassing the efforts required to implement it?
20% Sustainabie goals To what extent this idea seem to be addressing the sustainable goals chosen by the group?